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The Ultimate Blueprint for How You Solve Your #1 Venue Problem Insanely Cheap!

Are you fed up with your venue being lost in the sea of sameness while marketing costs spiral out of control? Stop spinning your wheels and step into the world of AI without draining your wallet or wasting another minute. Use the game-changing AI templates crafted exclusively for venues like yours, and catapult yourself into the top 1%.

Our comprehensive video course unveils the power of '0 Second Offers', a revolutionary approach that leverages AI and automation to transform your outreach, sales, and event management processes.

Session 1: Offer Science

In session one, Learn Effortless Outreach with '0 Second Offers'

Offer Science - What Separates The Best From The Rest

  • Dominate Your Market Instantly: Unleash a tsunami of personalized, automated outreach—mass cold emails, social media blitzes, paid ads, direct mail—all without breaking a sweat.

  • Slash Staffing Costs to Zero: Eliminate your expensive bottlenecks and let AI-driven emails and voice responses handle initial inquiries 24/7 without asking for a raise.

  • Hook Prospects Immediately: Deliver irresistible offers at lightning speed, grabbing your audience by the collar before your competitors even blink.

Session 2: Low Offer Strategies

On the second session, understand why having a Low-Ticket item is often a good idea.

Offer Strategies - Why People Buy Or They Fly

  • Turn Sales into a Well-Oiled Machine: Automate every step of your low-ticket sales process. Set it and forget it while the profits roll in.

  • Real-Time Inventory Wizardry: Adjust for time slots, quantities, and more on the fly. Never miss a sale because of outdated info.

  • Maximize Every Transaction: Effortlessly implement upsells, cross-sells, downsells, and retargeting. Squeeze every dollar back into your venue.

    Around-the-Clock AI Support: Deploy AI voice agents to handle FAQs with charm and efficiency, enhancing customer experience without lifting a finger.

Session 3: High Offer Strategies

On the third session, you will now know how to automate High-Ticket Sales

Offer Scripts - What To say And How To Say It

  • Craft Personalized Journeys: Guide high-value prospects through customized presentations that lead them straight to booking discovery calls.

  • Automate Onboarding Like a Pro: From deposits to payments and follow-up communications, automate it all. Spend your time closing deals, not chasing paperwork

  • Seal Deals Faster: Cut out the friction in your high-ticket sales cycle. Let intelligent automation do the heavy lifting while you watch your revenue soar.

Session 4: Systemization

On the fourth session, you will learn automating Event that Scale.

Delivery Systems - Will Make You Or Break You!

  • Effortless Event Overhaul: Manage events of any size—from intimate gatherings to colossal conferences—without breaking a sweat.

  • Infinite Customization: Offer limitless options for venues, accommodations, activities, and more. Make every event uniquely unforgettable.

  • Elevate Attendee Experience: Provide a seamless, personalized journey for every participant. Turn attendees into raving fans who can't wait to come back.

Session 5: Stop Being Stuck

Your Fast Track to the Top 1%

What Makes This Offer Irresistible

  • Dramatic Cost Reduction: Slash operational expenses with intelligent automation that works harder and smarter than any human ever could.

  • Reclaim Your Time: Eliminate mind-numbing, repetitive tasks. Focus on scaling your business and enjoying the fruits of your labor.

  • Leapfrog the Competition: While others are stuck in the old ways, you'll be miles ahead, leveraging cutting-edge strategies they haven't even heard of.

    Scale Without Limits: Build robust systems that grow with your business seamlessly. No bottlenecks, no headaches—just exponential growth.

General Admission Ticket is just $97

Common Questions We Get

Addressing your concerns about ROI, budgeting, and working with our team, including the opportunity to work directly with Kevin Penner.

Who is this class for?

Stop Wishing for Success and Start Grabbing It. This is Your Moment to Rise Above the Rest. Don't Let It Slip Through Your Fingers.

Who is this class not for?

Wantrepreneurs and business opportunity seekers. This class is not a shiny object to be added to your collection of courses, books and videos that you still have never gone through. If you are curious about how venues work but not serious, please don't waste your money or our time.

How much is the training?

There are 2 ways to participate in The Creating Compelling Offers Workshop. The General Admission is only $97 and the VIP Experience is investing to access our entire template library with funnels, sales letter pages, email automations and more. If you want to speed up your build process by months add the VIP Experience option.

Are the classes live?

Yes, you will have a live facilitator that brings you through a series with some guest speaker segments that are pre-recorded. Although the class itself is live and recorded you won't be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the training live or watch the recordings for the limited time they will be posted in our app.

How does the Workshop work?

Training run from 12-2pm CST. If we are particularly busy we may run additional classes just before or after this time.

Will I get direct feedback from Kevin?

Only if you purchase an upgrade of a Platinum VIP ticket, if you have the VIP Experience you will have a virtual backstage pass to watch and learn from the Q & A sessions each day. If you have General Admission you will not have access to listen to the Q&A sessions prior to the general training.

What is a platinum VIP ticket and where can I purchase one?

A platinum VIP ticket is an upgraded ticket that allows you to be guaranteed to ask your question during the VIP session. These tickets are limited to 10 each training and are first come, first serve. Doors to these tickets do not open until a few days prior to the challenge and the upgrade option will be emailed to the VIP ticket holders first, and then to the general admission ticket holders if spots still remain.