Branded in less than a minute

Generate an Instant Quote widget for your website with AI

Generate a multi-step funnel for onboarding large group events in just a couple minutes

Here's the main selling point for the AI

Explain in clear terms what the customer will get out of the AI

Here's a secondary selling point

Get a little deeper, cover an aspect the customer hasn't been told about yet

Here's a tertiary selling point

Address the third pain point people are experiencing and how this solves it

The features of the Instant Quote AI

User-Friendly Interface

Everybooking simplifies reservation management with its intuitive and user-friendly interface, ensuring ease of use for businesses.

Real-Time Availability Tracking

Benefit from precise real-time availability tracking, preventing overbooking and ensuring efficient reservation management

Customization Options

Everybooking offers built-in customization options, allowing businesses to tailor their booking processes to match their unique needs and branding

Automate Complex quotes for large bookings

No one wants to lose the bookings that matter most to length quoting processes on complex bookings, we give you powerful tools to automate even the most complex aspects of your business

Automated Communication

Keep customers informed and engaged throughout the booking journey with automated email notifications and reminders

Comprehensive Reporting Tools

Gain valuable insights into reservation trends and performance metrics through Everybooking's comprehensive reporting tools

Seamless Integrations

Connect effortlessly with various payment gateways and third-party applications, thanks to Everybooking's extensive integrations.

Mobile-Responsive Booking

Enhance the customer experience with Everybooking's mobile-responsive booking interface, allowing convenient reservations from smartphones and tablets.

Here's how it works

Promp the AI

Begin by inputting all your available slots, accommodations, or services into the system. Everybooking's user-friendly interface simplifies this process, allowing you to effortlessly manage and update your inventory as needed.

Confirm your steps

Whether it's dietary preferences for a restaurant, room preferences for a hotel, or activity choices for an adventure tour, Everybooking's flexibility allows you to design a booking process that meets your unique requirements.

Preview your generated funnel

Everybooking offers self-service options that let customers make changes to their bookings, such as rescheduling or modifying their selections. This feature not only enhances the customer experience but also reduces the administrative burden on your end.

Now you may be wondering

How does Everybooking's customer dashboard  work, and what kind of changes can customers make to their bookings?

Everybooking's customer dashboard places control in the hands of your customers. They can easily make changes to their bookings, such as rescheduling or modifying their selections, without the need for extensive administrative assistance. This feature enhances the overall customer experience by giving your customers the flexibility they desire. It also streamlines your workload by reducing the need for manual intervention.

Does Everybooking offer support or guidance for businesses transitioning to its platform?

Absolutely, Everybooking provides valuable support and guidance for businesses transitioning to its platform.  Their team of experts and available resources are dedicated to helping you confidently embrace Everybooking's capabilities.

How user-friendly is Everybooking's inventory setup, and can I easily add and update my offerings?

Everybooking's inventory setup is incredibly user-friendly. Adding and updating your offerings, whether they are slots, accommodations, or services, is a breeze. The platform features an intuitive interface that simplifies the process, making it accessible even for users new to the platform.

What level of customization does Everybooking offer for creating a tailored booking process for my customers?

Everybooking offers a high level of customization to create a tailored booking process that meets your specific business needs. From designing customized booking forms to configuring pricing structures that align with your business model, the platform provides a wide range of customization options.

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